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Portsmouth College of Education 1968 - 1974 Reunion

Portsmouth College of Education 1968 - 1974 Reunion


The University of Portsmouth is delighted to provide accommodation for the Reunion, taking place in August 2025.

A mix of single and double en-suite accommodation with breakfast is available for a variety of dates.

Car parking on campus is also available.  

Attendee CategoryCost   
Reunion Attendee£0.00[Read More]
Accommodation for Victorious Festival visitors 2025

Accommodation for Victorious Festival visitors 2025


The University of Portsmouth is delighted to provide accommodation for visitors to the Victorious Festival.

There is a choice of accommodation types; single and double rooms, room only or with breakfast and en-suite or shared facilities.

Please contact the University of Portsmouth's Conference and Lettings team for more information on each type of accommodation offered.

Rooms are available for the standard three night stay (Friday 22nd, Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th August) and some rooms can be extended to cover the preceeding Thursday 21st August and following Monday 25th August 2025.

Please note that single rooms will only accommodate one person.

Last day for bookings is Friday 8th August 2025 and for group bookings over 15 rooms, please contact the Conference and Lettings office on 023 9284 4884 or summerbookings@port.ac.uk.

PLEASE NOTE - no under 18s allowed in Chaucer House accommodation.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Victorious guests£0.00[Read More]

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