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Free with valid code Poster Printing Service

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Free with valid cost code poster printing service for University of Portsmouth students.


Detailed Description

To order your free poster if you have been given a valid cost code from your tutor or course admin office, please follow the instructions below.

Posters are usually printed within 3 working days of receiving the PDF file (excluding weekends and bank holidays) which are then delivered by the printer if the delivery address is within Portsmouth Island or released to Royal Mail to deliver 1st class to the rest of the UK to the address you specify at checkout.

It is essential you allow time for printing and delivery when considering your deadlines. Printing Services is not responsible for any disruption to external print suppliers deliveries or Royal Mail services that may impact on your delivery.


Instructions to order:

The Poster sizes available are A0, A1, A2

  1.   Click on ‘add to basket’ and complete all the sections of the questionnaire using the valid code given to you by your tutor or course admin office. We will produce ONE copy of your poster to your selected requirements.
  2.   Checkout your order.
  3.   On confirmation of your order you will receive an email for you to respond to with the PDF file of your poster. Please note your file must be PDF, no other formats are accepted. Please make sure your poster is saved at the size you need it printed at, if it is not the correct size it will be printed to a best fit instead.

For any enquiries about this service please contact webtoprint@port.ac.uk or for other print enquiries please contact printestimate@port.ac.uk

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